WHAT IS BODYTALK? Bodytalk energy work is effective. It is powerful energy that works from the root of the problem, releasing and balancing in layers while considering the effect on the whole body. Symptoms are often eliminated immediately because the source is our unconscious. This holistic healing modality works by re-aligning the energy flow in the body and assisting the body to heal itself. It is a scientifically supported practice with a base in the following disciplines: Western physiology, Traditional Chinese Medicine and Quantum physics and biology.
When the body becomes compromised by stress and past and present environmental factors, the result is disease and degeneration. During the session, the energy imbalances are identified and the corrective measures are implemented. A tapping of the energy areas of the head and heart can occur and this is a powerful and calming process. The client can feel the healing sometimes immediately, including changes in body temperature, sensations, sleepiness, abdominal gurgling or emotional fluctuations. Sessions generally last 45 minutes, but may be longer or shorter. Allow one hour for the appointment in total. Because BodyTalk works at the level of the subconscious (where it can influence the mind, energy systems, and the physical body), it is not affected by the limitations of time or physical location.
WILL IT WORK FOR ANY CONDITION? A Bodytalk practitioner considers all aspects of the person, including signs and symptoms of the illness or injury. Bodytalk is effective in healing all sorts of issues including hormone imbalances, backaches, infertility issues, feelings of being stuck or overwhelmed in life, allergies, acne or digestive issues and any other problem. Bodytalk works to re-synchronize the systems of the body, mind and spirit by reestablishing the energetic pathways. It also brings about transformational change and true happiness and joy allowing these energy shifts to spread to our families, friends and others in our lives.
WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO HEAL? Healing is a process in which you release physically, emotionally or energetically. We all have emotions, past stories that we tuck into our bodies and when they are no longer helpful to us, the body begins to speak to encourage us to release them. Energy clearing work can assist the stuck patterns to release. Sometimes a healing can lead to a light feeling, but you can also notice other emotions arising post session that may not be light, but instead feel negative or angry. This is healthy too. It is helpful to breathe deeply both during and post session to bring in new vibrancy. In addition, it is recommended to take a walk, move the furniture in your room, talk to a friend, explore a creative outlet, take a bath. Listen to your inner needs as to what else needs to shift in your life. Watch for the other changes too because as you begin to shift and heal, so do the other people in your life as they respond to the new you.
HOW MANY SESSIONS DO I NEED? Healing can occur instantly with the sensation of lightness. It is usually recommended to create lasting change with either a series of several sessions or as a monthly maintenance. I recommend at least 3-5 sessions to establish the pattern of healing in the body/mind/spirit. You can spread them out over time to allow the body time to transition. I will recommend a return time following a session and most fall into the pattern of every 3-5 weeks.
DO I NEED TO BE THERE IN PERSON? Every part of the universe is in touch with every other part. The theory, based on the work by Albert Einstein, is that energy as a healing intention is a powerful force. Dr James Oshmann explains, "The Field, sometimes described as a scalar field, uses extremely high frequency energy to replace and regenerate all tissues." While it is hard to imagine, feeling is believing and oceans and mountains do not limit the reach to healing. .
HOW DOES A SESSION WORK? Sessions are done via phone or computer. The practitioner either discusses the findings throughout or summarizes at the end. The session can be very restful for some clients and the client enters an Alpha wave healing state. We begin by discussing any updates in health as well as goals for the session. The client may choose to lie down and relax during the session or simply sit and listen. Depending on your sensitivity you may feel the energy movement in your body at the time of the session. Sometimes people feel rejuvenated and lighter, sometimes fatigued and other sensations. It is all just shifting for the better good.
REMOTE SESSIONS- WHAT ARE THEY? You can also request a session to be done at the discretion of the practitioner to optimize the best time for the client. I call this a simple remote session. These simple remote sessions are done at the discretion of the practitioner and with consideration to the general schedule and needs of the client. In both cases once the practitioner receives a photo, name, some basic health information, payment as well as a goal for the session the session can begin. Depending on your sensitivity you may feel the energy movement in your body at the time of the session. A summary recordings of the session will be sent via email to inform you of the findings if you choose the simple remote option.
For more information on the effect of stress on the body, please listen to the following short presentation by Dr. John Veltheim, the founder of Bodytalk. He explains how stress speeds up the disease process.